Friday, December 7, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This Saturday in South Philly

December 8th is Second Saturday on East Passyunk. Swing by South Philly Comics for the opening of their December Group show. I'll be one one several artists showing work (other names coming as soon as I know them!). Hope to see you there!

Saturday, December 8
7 - 9 pm

1840 E Passyunk Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19148
The best in Comics, Graphic Novels, We also Rent Dvd's and Graphic Novels.
Plus we love talking movies and comics so just come in and chat.
Open 12-9 Monday-Sunday - 267.318.7855

For those unfamiliar with East Passyunk Ave, the area is full of shops, restaurants and and bars.
For a peek at what's going on check out